We are on Instagram !
We are proud to announce that we are now present on Instagram! Follow us @keey_aerogel ! Find all our news on our LinkedIn account !
Find all our publications from our LinkedIn account in this section : news, photos, videos. Don’t hesitate to subscribe to our account !
We are proud to announce that we are now present on Instagram! Follow us @keey_aerogel ! Find all our news on our LinkedIn account !
We are proud to announce that our SICLA aerogel is part of the portfolio along with 1000 solutions #SolarImpulse. Find all our news on our LinkedIn account !
Last week we said goodbye to our beloved MATCOS 6. This pilot system allowed us to rapidly scale-up diverse processes and aerogel products. Find all our news on our LinkedIn account !
On the Global recycling day, KEEY Aerogel reinforces its engagement to make top-quality aerogels from Construction & Demolition Waste. Find all our news on our LinkedIn account !
The BioBased ValueCircle project is recruiting ! 12 PhD vacancies are now online ! Find all our news on our LinkedIn account !
We are part of the 1000 solutions to change the world ! SICLA technology Find all our news on our LinkedIn account !
Watch our video presentation of our new Analytical Drying System ! Link in this post. Find all our news on our LinkedIn account !
The objective of BioBased Value Circle is to institue a change in the materials innovation process. Find all our news on our LinkedIn account !
SICLA technology has received the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” label. Find all our news on our LinkedIn account !
KEEY Aerogel awarded at the Start-up booster call hosted by EIT Raw Materials. Find all our news on our LinkedIn account !