Awards & Projects

Awards & Projects

Certifications labels
Solar Impulse Efficient Solutions

To highlights clean and cost-effective solutions, with a positive impact on the quality of life.

French fab

Covers all companies based in France whose vocation is to develop French industry.

Coq vert

To support companies in their ecological transition and those already committed to the climate.

BioBased Value Circle Project
Since October 2020


The objective of BioBased Value Circle is to institue a change in the materials innovation process. The goal is to accelerate the transition from a fossil economy to a bio-based and circular economy.


Several companies, including KEEY Aerogel, are working with BioBased Value Circle to help solve problems and improve the language and methodology so that they are common to all.

VEEP Project
Since 2016


The VEEP Project aims to reduce pollution and conserve resources by increasing the amount of waste recyled. The objective is to establish a circular economy, particularly in the construction sector.


The SICLA™ technology was developed by KEY Aerogel as part of this project. Produce aerogel by recoveing silica from construction waste.

Since 2020


The ICEBERG Project, funded by the European Union, aims to increase the use of the circular economy with innovative tools and technologies.


* Innovative Circular Economy Based solutions demonstrating the Efficient recovery of valuable material Resources from the Generation of representative End-of-Life building materials

European Raw Materials Alliance
Since 2021


This alliance aims to make Europe economically more resilient by fostering innovation, training young talents and contributing to the best enabling framework for raw materials and the Circular Economy worldwide.

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Concours de l'étudiant entrepreneur innovant competition
Awarded to Francisco Ruiz, President of KEEY Aerogel, in 2014 for his project on Aerogel.
Organized by SEMIA, business incubator in Alsace, associated with the University of Strasbourg, this competition aims to encourage student entrepreneurs in business creation.
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Business Ideas Competition for Innovation in Raw Materials
Awarded by the company in 2016, second place in the competition.
The Business Idea contest is to support entrepreneurs in the creation of technologies, in the field of raw materials and other related sectors.
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World Material Forum Laureate
"Participant Awards, Start-up challenge" awarded by the company in 2017.
A forum that takes place every year in Nancy, to discuss different topics around the industry and materials.
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Winner of the Trophées Alsace Innovation, Filière d’Excellence Système constructifs
Awarded to KEEY Aerogel, in 2017, in the category of Excellence Sustainable constructive systems and energy transition.
The Alsace Innovation Awards ceremony rewards the best innovations in Alsace in various fields.
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Winner of the «Ré-inventer la planète» competition
KEEY Aerogel, winner of the competition in 2020.
The Reimagining the Planet competition, created by HEGE Conseils and Mines Nancy, aims to promote technological innovations for the benefit of the environment.
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